Judy Kaber was born in Brooklyn, New York, grew up in the suburbs of Long Island, dropped out of school, went to California, married, moved to Maine over 40 years ago, lived in an old house, had two kids, wrote a lot, published a little, went back to college, taught school. She’s now retired after 34 years of teaching, but still writing, still living in Maine. Influences include Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, and Denise Levertov. She’s been published in Comstock Review, Wolf Moon Journal, Off the Coast, and Puckerbrush Review. Contest credits include the 2009 Maine Postmark Poetry Contest sponsored by the Belfast Poetry Festival for her poem “Industrial Remains” and the Larry Kramer Memorial Chapbook Contest in 2011. She is currently Poet Laureate of Belfast, Maine.
I see you’ve been writing a lot, indeed, and with attention to stanza shape. You seem to have published recent poems here, under Poems (Posts, in WordPress terminology), as if they were a blog … and most of your journal poems in Journal Publications. They all look great. Were you intending to get feedback on the Poems (Posts)? Or is that, in general, a problem with all things bloggy — that there is in general not much reaction? Also, do you send out the blog poems published here to literary journals? Cheers, and prosperity, from Northwest Arkansas!
Hi Greg- Thanks! I’m afraid this site is woefully out of date. I need to put aside a few days to work on it. It’s mostly a place for me to share poems. I’m not particularly looking for critiques here as all of the poems I put up have already been publishes, either in print or online. That said, I am always open to comments. I’m glad you enjoyed them.
Judy, understand. You’re well published. I had a poetry group here in Fayetteville, Ark, but it dissolved when 2-3 of ’em, slam poets primarily, refused to revise anything. Re your influences, I took a grad class in W Stevens & Hart Crane (just read the P Mariani bio on Stevens but wrote my dissertation on Hart Crane). As an old boy publishing poet, just wrote a (comic) poem, not quite done I think, about taking an undergrad date to hear Denise Levertov. What was I thinking?
Hi again, Greg. I’ve been in a number of critique groups over the years. They tend to come and go, depending on membership and commitment. Yeah, poets (slam or otherwise) who tend not to want to revise are a problem. Why be in a critique group if you don’t want to have others respond to your writing in a way that will help you revise? Interesting that your poem involves Denise Levertov. She was a big influence on me at one time. For a brief time I rented a house that belonged to her son which was located next to her ex-husband’s house in Maine. I also went to hear her read once.
Well, Judy, here’s to Levertov and all the other good/great poets dead and gone and yet still with us: Clink! Let’s take their salutary examples and run with ’em. As Harold Bloom suggests, there’s an anxiety of influence, sure, but learn from the great ones without merely imitating. For me, it was poets like Robert Creeley who were a big influence on whatever it was I was trying to write, with his colloquial informality, skittering touch, and quatrain forms. (As an undergrad, I saw him read twice, and when I asked sophomorically after one reading for a ‘small favor,’ meaning autograph, he said sure & bent down and kissed my neck. Well, he was potzed for sure.)
Hi Judy,
I just discovered your poetry while meandering about the internet. I wanted to let you know that “like the sky I’ve been too quiet” really struck a chord. Good intentions are always with us, but we so often fall short of realizing them. It is a wonderful, sad poem with gorgeous imagery, and unique in the turn that it takes. I see you are currently poet laureate of Belfast. I plan to attend the Belfast Poetry Festival, so perhaps I will hear you speak there.
Sincerely yours,
Nancy Sobanik, Lyman, ME.
I meant to add that Maine NPR has your audio poem “In our Country the Rooftops” posted
and that is absolutely stunning, and I encourage readers to click on the link.
Thank you for sharing your poem.
Hi, Nancy. It was great to finally meet you! I am updating my website (if I can remember how to do it) and saw again your comments. Thank you.